My home town is Tokyo. Tokyo has many attractive points, but what I really think is attractive is that there are so many tourists in Tokyo. When we walk in the main places of Tokyo, anywhere you see there are people from abroad. Especially in Shinjuku and Shibuya, you will hear many languages, so you will be able to feel that Tokyo is an international city. When I see people from abroad, having fun touring in Tokyo, I become really happy. Tokyo’s good point is that there are many foreign people here.
Another is that the city is highly developed. Tokyo does not have traditional things compared to the other prefectures, but instead, there are so many developed technologies even seen in the world. When I get to experience the technologies, I am really surprised and also feel Tokyo has a great power. Although it is a bit sad for a person like me who likes traditional Japanese things, the attractive point of Tokyo is the development. The convenience comes from how Tokyo is developed too. When I come back from another country, I always feel japan is convenient and I will be surprised, which is another good point of Tokyo.
