#1 Please introduce yourself!
My name is Vlada. I am Ukrainian and currently am based in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. I am a 4th-year student at LCC International University and I study Contemporary Communication.
#2 What is your favorite thing about your country/city? Why?
Currently, I am living in Ivano-Frankivsk, which is a city in Western Ukraine. The best thing about Ivano-Frankivsk is the number of different places where people can hang out. For example, there are all kinds of cafes and restaurants where you can order nearly everything. My favorite one so far is Delikacia - they have the best brownie cookies with salted caramel. Then there are also parks and squares where you can walk around with your friends or family. Usually, on significant events concerts happen there. So it is always a lot of fun! Moreover, the parks are extremely beautiful and peaceful. That is why you can always have a good time when you are in Ivano-Frankivsk!
#3 What made you want to join ISC67 and your table? What would you like to achieve through the conference?
I decided to join ISC67 because I was interested in an opportunity to meet new people and work more on the topic of political activism (Table 1). I absolutely loved the idea of working in teams on a certain assignment for the conference because it is a great way to meet all the members and make new friends from other countries. Moreover, I liked that the conference is international as it is a possibility to find out what students from different countries are passionate about and what obstacles they face in daily life. Recently, I have become more interested in the topic of political activism. That is why I chose this table to work for during the conference. I am looking forward to working more with the other participants on a policy that we will present in August!