Please Introduce yourself !
Hi! I am Haruna (Hannah) Yamakawa, third year of undergraduate student in University of
Niigata Prefecture. I had lived in America for 3 years as a high student. Throughout meeting
people with various cultures, languages and values, I realized that the narrowness of my view.
When I went to Malaysia this spring, I met with students with diverse opinions and that
inspired me very much. From that experience, I strongly felt that “I want to broaden my view
and become active in the global.” And “ISC 64" was discovered when I searched for an
The social problem in the world is very complicated. Sometimes it is difficult to find a solution. However, as a leader in this global society of the future, I believe that discussing one social problem with students gathered from all over the world and sharing opinions, we can broaden our view and find solutions.
I think that there will be times we will face a problem as we research, but, having patience
and guts, I would like to spend nine days with a lot of excitement. I will do my best!
What do you think about your table table topic ?
Our table topic is “The Global Rise of Religious Violence”. In recent years, "religious
confrontation" such as conflict and terrorism happen frequently. Many people have a negative image on religion because of that. However, through interacting with people with different religions in various countries, I thought that religion is not only cause of violence. Even if you see each of the scriptures, there are many peaceful messages. Yet, still religious conflict continually occurs. .... There are many causes, I think that various elements are complicated and complicated. To be honest, it is a very difficult problem. Nonetheless, I believe that religion is not violent and that the root causes are some others like poverty and disparity. It is necessary to confront this problem in living the global society, I think it is very important.
Through discussions with table members, I want to find the cause of religious conflict and to
eliminate the negative image of each religion!
