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Humans of ISC65: Angel Permata Jauhari

Angel Permata Jauhari from Indonesia was also a participant of last year's conference. With her big passion (or as she referred it to "addiction") for ISC, she once again join the conference as a member of Table 3 with the topic of "Freedom of Speech and Its Restriction".

"I believe, this conference will give me something beyond discussions, meetings, and forums. It is where youths from diverse cultural backgrounds gather as one, share experiences, cheers, and friendship to be maintained for the long-run."

Q1. Please tell us what are the reasons/motivations that made you apply for ISC65?

I have three main reasons on why I apply for ISC65, here they are:

First, maybe this sounds a bit unique and very specific, that is.. I'm addicted! I was the ISC64’s participant. One thing that I highlight from my last year journey is, I feel, there is a sense of belonging in this working group. I was part of Table 4 last year, the topic was “21st Century Education”. My table made me feel comfortable and in love with this event since ISC64 was my very first opportunity in term of the international conference. I feel that ISC has succeeded in uniting us, making us learn many things, and giving us comfort in togetherness. It is proven by many of the ISC64 participants re-registered as Table Chief. One of the is my friend form Table 4.

Aside from the reasons above, I also perceive ISC65 as a perfect room for me to prepare for my future. I see my upcoming endeavor will be supported by my participation in Table 3 of ISC65. I would like to take a graduate school in Global Communication and Journalism, therefore Table 3 topic “Freedom of Speech and Its Restrictions in Today’s World” seems really relevant to my vision. Freedom of speech itself is such a broad concept, that I look forward to having a fruitful discussion about it during my participation in ISC65.

Lastly, as I read from the website, ISC65 will provide not only the conference, but cultural experience as well. This is the thing that I want to bring back home as my stepping stone for my intercultural studies. I believe, this conference will give me something beyond discussions, meetings, and forums. It is where youths from diverse cultural backgrounds gather as one, share experiences, cheers, and friendship to be maintained for the long-run.

I am very excited!

Q2.What do you think about your table’s topic?

In my opinion, my table topic is fun, yet, challenging.

It is fun because I am familiar with this topic as I am majoring in Communication Science. I learn about Media Studies, Journalism, and find many relevant cases to be brought to the table discussions.

However, I also find it quite challenging, because, well, what is freedom of speech itself? It still remains as an abstract concept to define, even though I believe that on freedom of speech, there is a spirit to assure good governance and prosperous society. Therefore, this concept offers myself a room to rethink about this world, to intersect the links between my studies and another field of studies, also to reflect the most essential point: the role of the youth on promoting democracy nowadays.

To add some perspectives, I would like to bring up one case from what I have studied before regarding freedom of speech for journalists. I have ever participated in the "Press Freedom Index" research project in 2017. What I got from this research is every restriction on journalist independence can affect the welfare of the community. In practice, journalists have an important role as the government watchdog. The abuse of power in the government side becomes difficult to reveal if the journalists' freedom is extremely limited. In 1966-1998, at the age of New Order in Indonesia, there was a suppression for our mass media, including the major newspaper. Even, the university press that was run in a very minor scoop was also affected. This case makes me imagine the domino effect, that limited freedom leads to limited information. Limited information makes our society unable to attain the truth. Although we can seek information from many platforms, the journalists here do not only tell information. They investigate it.

Freedom of speech is a step in expressing the contribution of thought in analyzing, exploring, and examining the aspirations and complaints of people in implementing democracy. Therefore, it is a very essential element to discuss, over and over again.

Q3.What do you think about your table’s activities in overall now?

It’s fun! We haven’t known each other that close yet, because we just had one complete Skype meeting so far. However, the group was quite active and enjoyable. Matej and Hannah as our Table Chief and Sub-Table Chief are really kind to us. They do not only share the things that we should prepare for the conference, but also give us information regarding hostelry for those who extend their trip, some information about the main study tour thingy, and other stuffs. I look forward to experiencing a fruitful and cheerful vibe that is yet to come with my Table ^^

Q4. Can you share hare with us some of your feelings towards the upcoming ISC65?

Oh, it’s indescribable. I do not go abroad oftenly, especially for a conference. My mind keeps wondering the upcoming delightful moments that await for me in Japan. I cannot wait for the study tour, discussions, final forum, also the party!

Q5. Can you tell us a little bit about your hometown?

My escapism is by traveling around and trying the culinary of my place. Therefore, I’d talk about the unique dishes in Indonesia, specifically in Bandung.

Living in an urban city makes me feel boring sometimes, because as far as you see things in front of you, there only lies tower buildings, a long road, buildings, and road again. Thankfully, when you look further, you can find some little pieces of heaven that we call “food” in some recommended cafe and restaurant to eradicate the overfullness and make your tummy happy.

In one of the cafes in Dago Street, Bandung, there is a place where we can have a brand new different dining experience. Right on the downstairs, there is a pool of water where we can eat there while soaking our feet! The water is clean and cold. They provide many kinds of menu, from Western to typical Indonesian food.

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