Please introduce yourself!
Hello, I am Dominika from Poland. What I really love is discovering new unexpected theories about modern culture, observing and trying to understand social flows, and the framework of our mind-cultural structure. I feel free during creating so spending many hours with art and drama.
I am crazy mix of loving nature and future-technological imaginator. I see the word of harmony and respects of those two aspects, so decided to applicate to #panel3 ,,Designing babies’’.
I believe that conferences like ISC64 could have a little part of changing the word. I see the potential of working in groups with people from different cultures and branches. I love meeting new people and share the experiences and knowledge from different perspectives.
I have always been interested about culture of Japan. When I was younger I red ‘’Memories of Geysha’’ and admire describing style of this plot. I am fascinating about Japanese technology solutions, and heard many about Japanese social and cultural life. For me this exchange is great personal experience. I am so excited being part of this conference, and hope to give as much energy and involvement as I can :)
What do you think about your table topic?
Technology change every time, in my opinion this is the natural turn of things.
Acquiescence for genetic modified to people’s genetic code will have large influence for society’s attitude to life and illness. The topic is complex. Has many of perspectives.
Later I thought ,,Designing babies’’ is the next level of process which based on improving functionality of our body. This days we use implants in our body. When people want to have better hearing can use hearing aid. We can read about people who want to use implants for hearing better than they could before, and different than norms. So it’s stars to be not just repairing ourselves but also developing skills...
Now I see that genetic modification are not like sci fiction movie. This is strong study. Focused about health, and live without diseases, or with less of diseases.
During our panel 3 meetings, we make debate about what disease mean, is it good to ,,interference in nature’’? We have many of discussion about how to engineering with not harming, but also about human dignity… Last days we tried to find answer to the question ,,when exactly live begin?’’ This is very openmind time with many of different opinions.
I see the live with implement and popularize genetic modification to people, science develop so fast. In my opinion the most important is to recognize all good and bad aspects of this tool. To manage the science for helps to people and protect against damage.
What I learn more are the main rules about ethical and law aspects of this topic.
Every day I learn about medical and scientific point, which are new for me because I have always been observed live in more humanistic way. It is very exciting I can get to know more things, but also share my opinions with feedback.
For example today I think by myself about this point: If we implement the genetic treatment as normal thing, probably time of people’s live will be longer, how many years it could be? Does our planet is enough prepared to this change, does it threaten the overpopulation?