Vol.7 will introduce to you our sunshine-like media: Do Hoang Hiep!
English follows


Q4.ISC64の参加動機を教えてください。(What had led you to participate in ISC64?)
The reason I chose to apply for ISC64 was first because I wanted to talk to a lot of people in English about issues that are putting our world into disorder. After coming to Japan, I have received a lot of opportunities to interact with international students, as well as professors from a lot of countries. However, all the conversations just revolved around daily matters and gradually I develop the desire to discuss with them more, not just only “How are you doing?” That is the first reason why I applied for ISC64. Another reason is that, I had never participated in a “student conference”. The term is pretty new to me. Therefore, I thought ISC64 would be the perfect opportunity to challenge myself with something new and applied for it. It turned out to be true haha.

Q5. ISC64を終えての感想を教えてください。(Can you share your feeling after ISC64's over?)
ISC64 has truly been a life-changing experience for me. First, after the end of ISC64, I was able to see my future more clearly. Before that, all I think about my future was how I will do something related to Media, PR at a company in Japan and have enough income to support my life. But, ISC has given me and the other participants the opportunity to interact with a lot of people from different backgrounds, and present a policy proposal to the government that can help make a better society. This experience got me to reconsider about my future, and about how I can make contributions to the society and became the “driving forces” for me to pursuit my above desire.
Also, after participating ISC, I am more aware of taking in diversity. Everyone was different from the day they were brought to this world. But that difference is actually the beauty of each individual. So, why do we have to bother shaping everyone into an utopian one? Imagine a world where everyone behaves the same. Not really appealing huh!
Q6. ISC64を終えて、今年は運営委員になりました。その理由を教えてください。(Can you share with us the reason you decided to become a committee members of ISC65?)
ISCに対するLOVEがすごく強いことです。前述したようにISC 64が自分の将来を見直す機会になっていたので本当に感謝していました。そのため、自分も何かISCに貢献したいと思い、実行委員になることを決心しました。もう一つの理由は他の人にも自分が経験したような素晴らしい体験を与えたいと思ったことです。何度も言いますが、ISCに参加したのは自分にとって人生が変わるほどの大きな経験だったんです。他の人にも自分が一体何をしたいということを見つけてもらったら嬉しいです!
After experiencing ISC64, I decided to be a part of ISC65. The reason was actually very simple: MY BIG LOVE FOR ISC! I think I owed a lot to ISC for giving me an amazing experience last summer, so I wanted to give back something. And then I thought “Why don’t I join ISC this year as a committee member and contribute my abilities to ISC?” That’s how I made up my mind and decided to become a committee member this year.
Also, as I had a life-changing experience last summer, I want everyone could also receive this kind of opportunity. I would love if this year participants could find themselves if they are still at loss or maybe simply have a really great time and create long-lasting friendship.