こんにちは、正月休みが終わって皆さんいかがお過ごしでしょうか😆 本日から、連載企画:実行委員の声を投稿していきます。10月末に実行委員引継ぎ式を終えて今日まで活動してきた実行委員の各メンバー。その一人一人をもっと知ってもらいたいとこの連載を企画しました✨記念する一人目は、私たち実行委員を引っ張ってくれる頼もしいリーダー、『中関令美』さんです!
From this point we will start a new series called "Introduction of the Committee" to let everyone to know better about the people who will create ISC65 this year!
The first person can be described with three words: calm, reliable and the head of our ISC 65 train. Meet our President: Remi Nakazaki
Q4.ISC64の参加動機を教えてください。(What had led you to participate in ISC64?)
For two years at my French university, I had the opportunity to engage in various academic discussions with a diverse group of students. After returning to Japan, I was searching for another platform that would allow me to utilize what I had learned and experienced in France. This is why I decided to apply for ISC64. Furthermore, I thought ISC64 would be a valuable opportunity for me to connect with students from all over the world who aspire to not merely think about global issues, but to also take actions and become even the smallest forces of change.
Q5. ISC64を終えての感想を教えてください。(Can you share your feeling after ISC64's over?)
After participating in ISC64, I truly felt that sharing opinions with students of various backgrounds and cherishing our differences, develop a global mindset. I was exposed to different values and cultures, sometimes only to be bewildered. In discussions, I was confronted with multiple viewpoints, and sometimes experienced difficulties accepting our differences. But, through these difficulties, I learned to embrace our diversity. Now, I believe I am even more capable of approaching various global issues from different angles, and find joy in engaging in international interactions through everyday dialogues and cultural exchanges.
Q6. ISC64を終えて、今年は運営委員になりました。その理由を教えてください。(Can you share with us the reason you decided to become a committee members of ISC65?)
Growing up in multiple countries, notably Japan, the U.S. and France, I felt that I was able to acquire both the Japanese and the Foreign participants’ perspectives during ISC64. Taking advantage of my multinational background, I decided to become a part of ISC as a committee member in order to create a conference that will further be a valuable opportunity for all participants. In addition, through participating in ISC64, I was able to gain new insights, and was able to think about how I can contribute to the global society in the future. By playing a leadership role in this year’s ISC, I aspire to make this conference a platform where students who are driving forces of tomorrow ponder upon what they can do at the moment as well as in the future. I strive to make ISC65 a valuable opportunity where all participants, regardless of their background, education, gender, race, or religion, take a step further to think about how they can contribute to the society as individuals who shape the future.